When the going gets tough

As the old saying goes, the tough get going.

How do you handle it when things get difficult? Do you stay “spiritual” or do you say %*#& it and revert back to old patterns of thought and behavior? (Eating or drinking to numb out, overspending, arguing, avoidance tactics, self-sabotage, just to name a few.)

When life presents challenges, as it is guaranteed to do, do you take them personally and go into victim mode? Do you brush them off, disregard your feelings and keep a stiff upper lip? Or do you reach deep for the faith in something that loves, guides, and provides, for a soft place to land and some encouragement? Do you pray? Meditate? Help another and get out of the “self” trap?

Most importantly, do you judge yourself for any or all of the above?

There is no right way to be human. There is no perfect way to traverse challenging terrain. There is no one way to be spiritual. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else or yourself, you are doing great. If, in the face of difficulty, you took a breath at any point, you’re doing great. If you paused and felt your feeling(s), you were spiritual. If you took a minute to wonder what this difficult moment was doing for you instead of to you, you won.

And if, in fact, you reverted to old behaviors of self-soothing and emotional sabotage, that’s ok. Let it be a moment of growth. Let it be a moment of surrender.

Source loves you. Just as you are. Unconditionally.




Magical Thinking