
I am recently reminded how trust is one of the most challenging parts of the co-creation process.

Here we are, making our vision boards, writing our manifestation lists, doing the deep inner spiritual work, but when it comes to taking action, we freeze. Especially when what you want to do, have, or be, is meaningful to you.

How do we know we’re doing it right? Why isn’t is happening immediately? And, by the way, what are we creating with and who are we supposed to be trusting with all this?? (Life, Creative Power of the Universe, Divine Inspiration, Infinite Intelligence, Source, God, you name it.)

So here’s the deal with co-creating; the nature of the Universe is to expand. We ARE the Universe, not outside the Universe, which means, we are expanding. We do that through thought and action.

And the Universe, Creative Principle, is waiting for us to reach out with our new thought or idea, waiting for us to take action, and then we are supposed to trust that we will be delivered a manifestation! Sounds simple, but it can be so hard to have faith and patience.

Putting our ideas out there and taking action makes us feel vulnerable and is a huge risk. It’s where most people give up. Well, I ask you- what’s the alternative? Staying where you are, risk-free, making no strides toward your dreams.

My experience is that Life, will support you and meet you, and sometimes in the most surprising ways.  

When in doubt, affirmations help greatly.

Some of my favorites are:

I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities every day.

I am part of an abundant Universe, my Source is limitless.

Everyday in every way I am getting better and better.  

I open to receive all the goodness and abundance of the Universe, thank you Life.

Continue to build trust by noticing examples, even small ones, of your manifestations taking form. These real life examples are proof that what you affirm is true and builds the faith and trust needed to keep going and growing.

 Have fun!




Enter abundance consciousness


When the going gets tough