Magical Thinking

“Magical Thinking” has been assigned a bad rap.

You may have heard this phrase, often in conjunction with codependency, as the principle of one person in a relationship thinking they can control the other person (or people) to be, do, and act a certain way, suitable to the thinker. This is also common in certain personality disorders, as classified by the DSM. Magical thinking is labeled as such due to the self-centered fantasy world inhabited by the individual, and the belief in their own ability to control others.

I have always regretted that this was called magical thinking. Trying to control people and living in denial are delusion, not magic. That state of mind is quite categorically not magic, as there is no spiritual component, no Divine presence, and no mutually beneficial result. What if we called that what it is: delusional thinking?

Magic, on the other hand, is defined as “having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers,” “wonderful; exciting,” and to characterize something extraordinary that you can otherwise not explain.

I wholeheartedly encourage the adoption of Magic (as defined above) in my clients’ pursuit of whatever it is their hearts desire. Real magic, define it however you like, should never interfere with the will or wellbeing of another individual.

Think magically. Regularly imagine what you want coming to pass in the most magnificent way and see what doors open for you in the interim.

Assume you have the power to create whatever you want (with integrity), because you do, and if you need to burn a candle and say a prayer, go for it. Intention backed by faith and action = success in the manifestation of a desire. Period.

If that seems far out, apply this principle to something as simple as lunch: “I want a sandwich”. Simple enough. There’s likely no doubt in your mind that you can have whatever sandwich you want, so there is no block to the accomplishment of this; no resistance. You know where you want it from, more than likely, and you have the faith that said establishment will deliver such a sandwich to you. You then take the action of getting up, going to said establishment and ordering your sandwich that is then prepared just for you, as you like it, and handed over. Poof! As if by magic. Only, it doesn’t seem like magic because it’s only a sandwich.

The same principles apply to conscious co-creating in your life.

Have fun! … And let me know how it goes!




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