about the healing

The iAmHealing® technique is a powerful energy healing modality which can bring about profound changes through the release of old limiting beliefs, emotional trauma, and often physical pain and illness. 

What we think of as life “happening” is often a result of the subconscious mind operating on autopilot. My healing modality is a gentle, yet effective approach to changing those programs, allowing us to open up to greater joy, more abundance, and a happier, more fulfilling life. 

I can help you return to your natural state of healing. You are whole.


 in each session we will work to ... 


Through intuitive discovery we will uncover the buried beliefs and patterns adopted and accumulated in this life which may be blocking you from spiritual and financial abundance as well as physical health, wellbeing and happiness. 


Some belief systems you didn’t know you had are also buried under the surface and creating problems and blocks- things that were passed on through genetic lineage as well as past lives and group consciousness.


And finally through this energy-rich modality we will remove and replace the beliefs and programs that don't serve you with new positive, empowering and productive belief systems through connection to the Source of all that is.

I feel energetically more alive, clearer and not weighed down. I feel free.

 about Jocelyn

I had my first energy healing session over 15 years ago and experienced profound changes after just one treatment. Inside of a one-hour session, the practitioner was able to see the years of struggle in my relationships, what the root was, and helped me let go of some very challenging blocks on my road to happiness. I felt huge relief after that first session and have continued to grow, expand, and heal into living a life I had only dreamed of as a result.

As a practitioner, my mission is to pass this healing on to my clients. I provide a unique experience of holistic energy healing backed by decades of  meditation, yoga, visioning, and manifestation techniques. 

Talking with Jocelyn and opening up to her healing practices helped bring emotions to light I had been subconsciously experiencing and avoiding. It was immensely helpful and powerful; I felt very clear after, and more willing to explore those feelings with curiosity.

I highly recommend her services to anyone who is trying to get in touch with their spirituality or work through intense feelings.

 start living the life you truly desire.