Enter abundance consciousness

I have practiced many forms of abundance manifesting. So many, that I’ve even created a course about it, coming soon in a downloadable form available to you. But I digress.

In my journey to explore manifesting abundance, I have tried on several practices, including tithing. Tithing is the return of 10% of all income (earned money, found money, income of any kind, gifts, etc…) to the places that fed you spiritually, following the belief that all abundance comes from God and giving back 10% is proof of the knowledge that Spirit is the source of limitless abundance. I learned this practice from the ever-inspiring Edwene Gaines. (that’s’ like an old dentist I had in NYC named Dr. Needle. She was, it seems, born with purpose!) And for me, spiritual food came from Edwene, among others.

The wonderful thing about tithing to Edwene is that I would always receive a loving, encouraging, and prosperity tip-filled email back in acknowledgement of my tithe. One recent missive from Edwene said the following:

“If each of us would embrace and experience the principles of spiritual abundance in our own lives, I believe we would lift the consciousness of all humankind.”

Lift the consciousness of humankind with the principles of spiritual abundance, indeed! Sign me up.

And that got me thinking… Spiritual abundance is, of course, not just money. It is all energy. How am I practicing abundance in all my energetic affairs? Am I seeing “the glass” as half full, expecting fulfillment everywhere I go, sharing fulfillment everywhere I can? Am I offering the best of myself in all interactions, practicing gratitude and appreciation? Wishing the best for a strangers’ own prosperity and abundance? Giving joyfully? Paying for things with a wonderful expectancy of happiness to the payee, trusting in joy surely to be returned to me?

I invite you to practice spiritual abundance today and tell me how it goes. Make a record, on your phone or a little notebook, of every time you remembered to give happily, pay for something with joyful expectancy, give prosperously of your love, shine your abundant light on a fellow. See how you feel at the end of the day.

You get what you give, so give generously.




Signs of Land…

