How to get MORE of what you want.

We are here to create our lives.

I’ll do deeper dives on this in other posts, but today I’m here to talk about how we create with vibration.

We are here to create. I’ve said it before, we aren’t in the Universe so much as we are the Universe. (Much like traffic: we can feel victimized being in traffic, when the truth is we actually are the traffic, being one of the cars.)

SO. I am here to coach you through the process of manifestation, or if you’re burned out from that word, creating.

One of the hardest things to palate is that things aren’t happening to us, they’re called in BY us, unconsciously or semi (or fully) consciously. If you hate that idea, I get it. I used to hate it also, but it was the awakening I needed to get out of victim consciousness and step into a much more exciting way of living, which for me, meant taking responsibility. The good news is that with responsibility comes artistic license.

We create by vibration. Thoughts generate feelings, feelings have vibration, the vibration is a transmission broadcasting from you, calling to it other vibrations that match it. Like attracts Like.

You can change what is showing up by tuning into the offering, the vibration, you broadcast. The way to know what you’re offering (what your vibration is) is by tapping into how you feel. Abraham talks about this.

Some people you may see walk around happily, effortlessly, and everything always turns out to be sunshine and rainbows. They probably aren’t reading this post because they already have a high vibration naturally, and the better it gets, the better it gets. As they cal in more good things, they feel happier and so on. That is actually how it works for everyone: the better it gets, the better it gets, and the worse it gets the worse it gets.

Perhaps the “sunshine” people had a different childhood or circumstances, or have a different Human Design or Astrological chart, who knows, but the rest of us can get there too. We may simply need a little help.

We know what we don’t want (strongly) and know what we do want (maybe less strongly) and we need some coaching to make the changes.

Feelings offer a vibration. When you feel “good” (happy, joyful, excited, optimistic, loving, grateful, etc) you offer a high vibration. When we are in a high vibrational state, we are far more receptive to the clear and easy creation of what we desire.

Keeping the focus on what you don’t have, what you want, keeps the lack active. Focus on what you do have, what you love, what’s going well/right. Having gratitude and appreciation for the good stuff brings you closer faster to more of the good stuff. It’s physics: Like attracts like.

For example, let’s say you have the thought that it would be so nice to have a break in the day to take your favorite walk on what turned out to be a beautiful day. But so far, the calendar is packed. You keep looking outside seeing the beautiful day and feeling how beautiful it is outside and how much you love that walk and it fills you with good feeling. You keep that going and suddenly your 2pm cancels. Or you walk to your next errand when you normally would have driven because you realize 15 minutes won’t jack up your day and there you are enjoying the day. These are tiny examples of how your vibration can change the course of the day.

As Emile Coue taught, “day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

Reach out for help with creating the life you want. It’s what I am here for.


Magical Thinking


Destination Manifestation