Signs of Land…

Have you ever been here? You’re doing the work; you know what you want and you are clear about the details. You made the lists, you have a vision board, you’re meditating. You are keeping your eye gently on the goal while maintaining an open mind and heart, all the while practicing gratitude for the goodness that appears and patience and love for yourself when you dip.

Then something shows up. Something that looks and feels like the thing but you either have to wait a little while for it or it isn’t exactly right (i.e. they wind up going in another direction, the person you meet wants kids and you don’t, the apartment or house is great except it has a loud smelly bar downstairs, etc.) A little disappointment sets in. Maybe your heart drops. Or perhaps it’s like the old cartoon when the invention blows up and it’s “back to the drawing board!”

The brilliant Florence Scovel Shinn calls this “signs of land.”
Florence Scovel Shinn was one of the original Grande Dames of Manifesting. Her book The Game Of Life And How To Play It (originally published in 1925) describes the Universal Law of Attraction and the Art of Manifesting.
She says, when things show up that look like, sound like, or appear to be what we desire yet have certain restrictions, or are not available, that we are getting very close and to embrace
these near successes as such.

I see these “signs of land” like green lights from Universal consciousness, teaching us to trust, and reflecting back to us we are on the right path. Sometimes the message contains a note. Perhaps we are close but there’s a little block. Suppose we think we’re ready but we’re still a little afraid, so we unconsciously tapped the breaks and the person we want to love is grieving someone else. Or the great new job is great but located elsewhere or the pay isn’t that great, reflecting an old idea that we don’t deserve to fully receive all that we want.

Rest assured, you’re on the path. You’re doing great. I’m here to remind you that it is, in fact, your birthright to have, do, and be every wonderful thing you can imagine and so much more.

In case you needed reminding, we are the Universe. The Universe expands as we expand. Therefore it is by design to have an inspired desire, the will to create and the ability to gain satisfaction, pivot and desire more.

And by all means, HAVE FUN!

All my love,



Just because you believe it, doesn’t mean it is Universally true.


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