Clearing Karma - a download

(Originally posted March 2020)

The other day I was processing some difficult emotions.

I awoke somewhere in the night- maybe around 3:15 or so.. and had had an experience. 

(It was not a dream) It was travel.

I wanted to express the snapshot I carried with me but - better yet- I asked my Angels, Higher Consciousness, to speak through me, allowing me to be their pen, as is often an illuminating experience. This is what came ...

(What follows is perhaps not for anyone. I am only sharing the information that was given to me. I am not expressing opinions, nor do I believe myself to be an expert on these matters. I was urged to share this which came through and I hope that you will take what resonates and leave what doesn't.)  

There I was up high, floating.

I was up in another Dimension, looking down on Earth, more accurately another Earth, in another galaxy, because the vibration was different. It had a different feel. And I was watching it. I felt a serenity and detachment from the goings on of the planet. Peace, but not disassociation. Kind regard, but no real investment.

In a moment, the wisdom was given to me that we, as beings, living the human experience, were meant to shed karma at the turn of the millennium and that this is the experience (process) we are still in. Me, specifically, in the moment of wisdom, was shown that I was meant (and began) to shed my karma at the turn of the millennium (I got sober at the start of 2000, in January. This was the embarkation of this clearing in my life).

I was shown a huge photo album of my lives up to now and forward. I was shown a page maybe 3/4 of the way through the album. I was told that I am in a huge karma clearing right now, this week, releasing old stories and imprints of past experiences.

To me, in this human experience, 20 years feels like forever, but from an angelic perspective, it’s only a moment.

We are all meant to be shedding karma now. This is the main point of the pandemic. In large part, humanity cannot make this transition consciously when they are asleep, and much of humanity is still asleep. Those who are conscious about their shedding, evolving into their light selves are leading the rest.

This is a time of reckoning, awakening, and should be treated as such. Acknowledged and embraced. The quickest path to recovery is to embrace the pandemic. To have thanks and gratitude for its coming. Like a much needed rain quenching the dry land- This is its purpose. It isn’t happening to us, it is happening for us. it Is us. We have called it in as a much-needed karma clearing.

Lovingly release those who have passed. They hitched a ride on the coronavirus highway to another dimension. They were ready (for whatever reason) to pass on from this planetary life to go be somewhere else, move on with their karmic paths.

Karma is beautiful. And powerful. And is bigger than the ego- it is the destiny we create in life. Life- meaning the existence of soul, not life as we think in the human way- you’re born, you live, you die. You never die. The actual you inside of you never dies and that has its own karma across lifetimes, time, and space.

This time of reckoning + awakening is meant to clear and cleanse karma, which we’ve built up, that we haven’t been able or willing to release on our own. It is a necessary part of our evolution.

There will be new wellsprings in the economy but greed is not completed yet. That may take the rest of the millennium yet it is cycling out on its own timeline.

The best thing we can do as individuals is to take the time now to clear our own karma.  Examine your patterns, Examine the path you’ve been on and actively, consciously, focus your mind to letting go of what feels old, unnecessary to continue with, and follow what feels like least resistance (ease and joy).

What you resist, do your best to release it. See what happens. See what happens when you let go of what feels hard, difficult and has the energy of struggle attached. By release or let go, it is meant to breathe and tune inwards. Use your imagination to visualize letting go, releasing, finishing, having a break from that which feels detrimental or hard.

Then use your imagination, your ability to visualize, to see an image of what no resistance looks like. Feel what that feels like. Imagine a new path forward- what does it look like, smell like? Be in that. Feel into that. Allow it to become your new sense and live into that feeling.

Thank you for reading. 

Wishing you well-being, happiness and freedom.


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