Abundance Bootcamp

Today I started 90 days of Abundance Bootcamp.

This wonderful daily practice from the great Catherine Ponder is to be done every day for 90 days (in a row).

The consistent practice of this affirmation exercise is designed to bring abundance and the fulfillment of desires for a happy, successful and abundant life experience.

Join me!

Every morning (and night for bonus points) take a deep breath into your heart, get present and say out loud:

  1. Divine Love, expressing through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and to make my life complete.”

    (then you do it for another/others)

  2. Divine Love, expressing through (them), now draws to (them) all that is needed to make (them) happy and to make (their) life complete.”

  3. God in me, thank you for the fulfillment of ______________ (whatever it is you are calling in: “a successful business”, “financial security”, “my most compatible romantic soulmate”). I give myself permission to manifest my dreams!

That’s it.

Disclaimer: When we talk about “Divine Love” and “God In Me” we are talking about Spirit, Source Energy, Universal Consciousness, Mother Nature… whatever resonates for you. If you are curious about the New Thought movement, it is a wonderful field of study into understanding ourselves and Spirit. I encourage you to do some investigating. Catherine Ponder is a great place to start. Florence Scovell Shinn, Ernest Holmes, Joel Goldsmith, Louise Hay, to name only a few…these are all great writers and teachers of this movement, with powerful insights and revolutionary attitudes toward life’s operating system of Universal law. You’ll see the word God a lot, feel free to insert your own understanding of what Spirit is for you. I personally believe it’s all the same.

With love,



Life as Created


Clearing Karma - a download