Life as Created

Often with the full moon I have short sleep full of downloads and big picture organizing. The message I received this morning was meant to be shared. As always, take what you like and leave the rest.

Life isn’t happening to us it’s happening through us.

What we call God (Source, Spirit, whatever you call it) isn’t some thing, being, or entity outside yourself, it is your Self. Life is the energy of God expressing through You, now, in this moment.

You are the individuation of Spirit and your life is the expression of individuated Self conducting Life through a delicate (and usually unconscious) system of beliefs and patterns of thought (learned from culture, family, group think, etc.) which create attraction. You attract, and are attracted to, what you believe is true and possible. When we recognize this and see our personal power in the creation of our lives, we start to create more consciously and use this power correctly. We have free will to change our beliefs and to create.

What are you creating?

Do you like it?


Destination Manifestation


Abundance Bootcamp