Knight of Wands

Last night I dreamt about the Knight of Wands.

Fleeting images, his red flames flowing from his helmet and armor, his red horse galloping toward me.

The card appeared exactly as it is in the Waite Smith deck (shown below) but alive, vibrant, and with a message: there are two sides to me.

If you’re new to the Tarot, the Knight of Wands can represent passion, confidence, adventure, and determination. There are many layers to every card in the deck, but for the sake of brevity here, the Knight of Wands is full of energy and life. He is not afraid to try something new, go out on a limb, and walk in like he owns the place.

But with the Tarot, as in life, almost every card represents assets as well as liabilities. The cards give us visual representations of all that Life has to offer, the full spectrum of the human experience on the road to evolution, expansion, and perhaps even enlightenment.

On the liability side, this knight can be cocky, impetuous, and act before he has really thought it through.

To this, I can relate, which is clearly why Psyche gave me this card to mediate on. And so I offer you this same question- where have you acted impulsively lately, following your heart, acting on drive, acting on passion? And are you willing to love and accept yourself in light of it, because of it, and embrace the consequences? Take what comes in stride?

In the pursuit of our deepest calling, our passionate drive to take off and explore, we might alienate some, leave some places without even closing the proverbial door, but also open ourselves up to new lands, new experiences and new adventure, the least of which may be simply having the courage to follow our own hearts.

That might be your greatest adventure yet. 


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